The criteria to determine the following details: lekoksidechan
1. atoms of the elements that are independent, there are all kinds of lekoksidechan is equal to zero. No matter that it is a single or multiple Atom Atom such as N2, Hg and S8 etc.
2.Moo Moo Moo 2A and 1A metal 3A when in aqueous solution, or compounds with lekoksidechan equal to 1, 2, and 3 respectively, such as Ba, Na 2 Al 3, etc.
3.In the majority of compounds with an equal lekoksidechan – 2. Wenoksichen raised in peroxide compounds have equal lekoksidechan – 1, such as oxygen, H2O2 in Super oxide compounds with lekoksidechan equal to ½ – e.g. KO2. (OF2) with lekoksidechan equal to 2
4. hydrogen in compounds, mainly with lekoksidechan equal to 1, but in compounds with hydrogen, a hydride lekoksidechan-1, such as NaBH4, LiAlH4, CaH2
5. lai-ion in the compound lekoksidechan is equal to 1, NaCl, for example – HI, when combined with oxygen, there will be a positive lekoksidechan, Cl in KClO3 compounds
6. ion with a single atom is lekoksidechan equal to the charge of the ion, Al3 S2-,
7. In the neutral molecule The sum of all the lekoksidechan is equal to zero, but if the molecule is the sum of the lekoksidechan ion of an element in the whole molecule is equal to the value of the charge of the ion of the
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