- ครูให้นักเรียนดูตัวอย่างการถามและตอบด้วยประโยค How many ____ do you have? ในหนังสือ (หน้า 24) โดยครูอ่านและแปลความหมายของบทสนทนา แล้วให้นักเรียนฝึกพูด
-The teacher, the students see examples of questions and answers with the sentence, How many do you have? ____ in the book (page 24) by the teacher to read and translate the meaning of dialogue, students practice speaking.
- Teachers, students see examples of questions and answers with a sentence How many ____ do you have? In the book (page 24), the teacher read and interpret the conversation. Then the students practice
- students for example, question and answer sentences How many _ _ _ _ do you have? In the book (page 24) by the teacher read the และแปล meaning of the dialogue. Then the students to practice speaking.