7/10/2014 @Mza$Lang [' article '] = "posts/knowledge";$Lang [' article_note '] = "Note: 1. click on the picture to upload images page ";$Lang [' article_category_management '] = "manage categories";$Lang [' article_subheading '] = "sub header";$Lang [' article_article_titled '] = "the topic of the article";$Lang [' article_show_lang '] = ' Show/languages ";$Lang [' article_permissions '] = "permission to watch the morning";$Lang [' article_knowledgebase '] = "posts/repository of knowledge";$Lang [' article_back_management '] = "return to manage";$Lang [' article_theshow '] = "display";$Lang [' article_figure '] = "image components";$Lang [' article_system '] = "the system";$Lang [' article_onpage '] = "page";$Lang [' article_want '] = "do you want to";$Lang [' article_fix '] = "set";$Lang [' article_page '] = "page";$Lang [' article_room '] = "learning laboratory";$Lang [' article_themanual '] = "manuals";$Lang [' article_manual '] = "user's manual";$Lang [' article_member '] = "Member";$Lang [' article_with_member '] = "a member";$Lang [' article_freeday '] = "the system free 7 day";$Lang [' article_internal_systems '] = "only internal system only.";$Lang [' article_if_details '] = "fill phoem details button (if available);$Lang [' article_details '] = "Description:";$Lang [' article_files_content '] = "the file repository (for content):";$Lang [' article_easy_use '] = "how to use a simple";$Lang [' article_select_pic '] = "1. Select the image that you want (if you still don't have it up again)";$Lang [' article_press '] = "2. press the button";$Lang [' article_drag_pic '] = "3. drag the picture onto the content according to their needs";$Lang [' article_select_all '] = "select multiple";$Lang [' article_select_lang '] = "select language";$Lang [' article_click_image '] = "1. click on the image to go to the upload images page";?>
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