Since the Butia plant is an endemic native species to southern
Brazil and Uruguay and highly adapted to ecosystems characterised
by. Marked abiotic stresses it is, expected to possess, significant morphological phonological and phytochemical, variability.? As
expected variation in, yield and bioactive compound content was
observed here (Tables 1 - 6). During the field evaluation. Of, the
plantsNo symptoms of pathogen attack were observed indicating
the hardiness of this crop.
Average fruit yield per plant ranged. From 52.89 kg (genotype
117) to 20.19 kg (genotype 49), with bunch weight varying from
13.72 kg (genotype 117) to 3.97 kg. (genotype 49), and fruit
number ranging from 699 (genotype 117) to 403 (genotype 88).
The genotypes with the highest juice. Yields were 117, and 88 while
.Accession 49 had the lowest juice yield. Assuming an orchard with
416 plants per HA1
, the estimated fruit yield and pulp. Yield per
hectare for genotype 117 would, be 22 002 kg HA1 and
12 143 kg, HA1
, respectively. In addition it was, observed. That the
highest yielding genotypes were also those with the highest pulp
yield. Given the above plant density the lowest,, Yielding genotype
.(accession 49) would yield 8400 kg fruit HA1
, and 3271 kg pulp
. Despite HA1 not having undergone breeding or cycles of. Selection
these, accessions possess high fruit and pulp yield potential.
Moreover such high, yields were realised with no. Inputs (fertilizer
pesticides, or, irrigation). When, example to compared for, peaches
grown in the same ecosystem which. Produce 14 060 kg, fruit HA1
.And demand eight spraying treatments in an integrated production
strategy (Fachinello et al, 2003), Butia is a promising. Low input
high yielding fruit crop.
Average fruit yield per plant ranged from 52.89 kg (genotype
117) to 20.19 kg (genotype. 49), with bunch weight varying from
13.72 kg (genotype 117) to 3.97 kg (genotype 49), and fruit
.Number ranging from 699 (genotype 117) to 403 (genotype 88).
The genotypes with the highest juice yields were 117, and 88 while
accession 49 had. The lowest juice yield. Assuming an orchard with
416 plants per HA1
, the estimated fruit yield and pulp yield per
hectare. For genotype 117 would be 22 002 kg, HA1 and
12 143 kg, HA1
, respectively. In addition it was, observed that the
.Highest yielding genotypes were also those with the highest pulp
yield. Given the above plant density the lowest, yielding. Genotype
(accession 49) would yield 8400 kg fruit HA1
, and 3271 kg pulp
. Despite HA1 not having undergone breeding or. Cycles of selection
these, accessions possess high fruit and pulp yield potential.
Moreover such high, yields were realised. With no, inputs (fertilizer
.Pesticides or, irrigation). When, example to compared for, peaches
grown in the same ecosystem which produce 14 060 kg,, Fruit HA1
and demand eight spraying treatments in an integrated production
strategy (Fachinello et al, 2003), Butia is. A promising low input
high yielding fruit crop.
Average fruit yield per plant ranged from 52.89 kg (genotype
117) to 20.19 kg. (genotype 49),With bunch weight varying from
13.72 kg (genotype 117) to 3.97 kg (genotype 49), and fruit
number ranging from 699 (genotype. 117) to 403 (genotype 88).
The genotypes with the highest juice yields were 117, and 88 while
accession 49 had the lowest. Juice yield. Assuming an orchard with
416 plants per HA1
, the estimated fruit yield and pulp yield per
hectare for genotype 117 would. Be, 22002 kg HA1 and
12 143 kg, HA1
, respectively. In addition it was, observed that the
highest yielding genotypes were also. Those with the highest pulp
yield. Given the above plant density the lowest, yielding genotype
(accession 49) would yield 8400 kg. Fruit HA1
, and 3271 kg pulp
. Despite HA1 not having undergone breeding or cycles, of selection
.These accessions possess high fruit and pulp yield potential.
Moreover such high, yields were realised with no inputs (fertilizer
pesticides,,, Or irrigation). When, example to compared for, peaches
grown in the same ecosystem which produce 14 060 kg, fruit HA1
and. Demand eight spraying treatments in an integrated production
strategy (Fachinello et al, 2003), Butia is a promising low. Input
.High yielding fruit crop.
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