Thousands of Italians joined the annual Orange Festival Pasay Customs 2013 held in city e faria Limousin Pieter Mont. In the North of Italy by city e faria has ordered more than 500 tons of oranges used for throwing tradition put together. When the horse moves. Volunteers in the military are starting to turn Orange Spa scene put people stand surrounding streets.
Origin of this tradition occurred approximately 12 20th century Abbot is like a burger he kidnapped a woman who was about to marry his wife's rape. They kidnapped the daughter of the owner of the mill. While the villagers help. Pasir stone soldiers that will help owners hand-made tradition-Orange until now
This Festival is held all 3 days, get the attention of a large number of tourists. Despite those injuries, from Paris, Orange? Mostly about how contusion or wound the blood falls in rubber. And in the past has never been one terrible injury at all.-Thai news
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