Vitamin C vitamin C (Vitamin C) or ascorbic acid is a vitamin that dissolves in water. As anti-oxidants with high efficiency. Most animals can synthesize vitamin C itself.Vitamin C, played an important role in the creation of collagen to help repair of various tissues in the body, vitamin of this type is measured in mg. (mgOr mg.), vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, better, vitamin C can be used to quickly when you're in stressful conditions. The lack of vitamin C may lead to scurvy.60 mg.And for pregnant or lactating women around 70-96, Mg. Those who smoke and the elderly. Should get more vitamin C The body will lose vitamin C 25 - 100 mg.Continue smoking one cigarette. To help prevent the reaction oxidation of cholesterol bad types (LDL) sources found vitamin C in nature, including citrus fruits, Berries, green leafy vegetables, cantaloupe, potato, tomato.Pepper, etc.!
if eating too much may lead to gallstones. Sometimes eating high doses or more, 10 000 mg.Or above may cause adverse effects such as diarrhea, frequent urination, skin rash, which if there are such you should eat in less. Cancer patient's radiation or chemotherapy.The enemy of vitamin C, including light,Oxygen, water, heat, smoking,Cooking, vitamin C, in the form of a food supplement. A vitamin intake is the most widely available. Many forms, such as tablets, capsules, candy, pellets, powder broken down slowly, chewing. Syrup.Vitamin C is pure Is converted from dextrose sugar from corn. Although no corn or dextrose (left). The difference between natural vitamin C or an organic (organic).Is the difficulty in digestion and absorption. Which vary according to each one's ability. Vitamin C is the best vitamin C supplements that consist of Bioflavonoid. Hao emperor ริดิน and rutin (sometimes see the name on the label.Vitamin C tablets or capsules in most 100, ranging in size from to 1000 mg. Section in the form of powder soluble in water, will be approximately 5 000 mg. Per teaspoon. Sizes suggest eating per day for vitamin C supplements is 500 - 4 000, Mg.Acetate Rola C (Acerola C) is extracted from the vitamin acetate Rola berries. Vitamin C from rose hip or the rose. A bioflavonoid and enzyme, etc. That allows vitamin C cracking as well.
.The benefits of vitamin anti-oxidants help anti-aging and reduce wrinkles. Eating regularly will help the skin smooth, soft and slippery naturally.Assist in the treatment and prevention of colds. Help prevent scurvy, the benefits of vitamin C Reduce the risk and prevent cancer types. To help combat the nitrosamines (carcinogens).The benefits of vitamin C, reduces the blood pressure, reduce the blood clot in the tube black blood, help the life lets protein in cells by cell island are better. Enhances the absorption of iron.Increase the efficiency of drugs used in the treatment of urinary tract infections. To help reduce the symptoms resulting from substances that cause allergies. Help prevent infection, virus and various types of bacteria. Help accelerate postoperative wounds heal more quickly.Burns heal more quickly. Advice on eating vitamin. Vitamin C to be excreted from the body in 2-3 hours after eating. Depending on the amount of food in the stomach.Therefore suggest that you eat with breakfast and dinner. Vitamin C in high doses may affect the test results as well as the Pap smear.Because the diagnosis may be a mistake. People with diabetes should know that. Value of detection of sugar in the urine may be incorrect. If you eat the vitamin C content is high, drug treatment of diabetes.For those with diabetes type 2 or people with high blood pressure. Can reduce the pressure just eat vitamin C per day 500 mg.For those with a genetic disease resulting in iron accumulates in the body, such as thalassaemia or hemoglobin chroma inhibitor. Not recommended to eat vitamin C in high volume - if you eat vitamin C than 750 mg.Magnesium intake per day should be supplemented with Because it can help prevent kidney stones. Carbon monoxide will destroy vitamin C, so those who live in the city should รับประทานวิตามินซี increases.You should eat more vitamin C To make vitamin C work efficiently. Should it have worked together with bioflavonoid, calcium, magnesium, if you take medicine aspirin. You should eat more vitamin CIf you eat ginseng keep time 2 hours before or after eating vitamin C to relieve the symptoms of a cold, should be eaten, vitamin C 1000 mg. Two times a day was found to reduce the level of histamine in blood down were 40 (histamine are substances that cause mucus, tears)
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