Title To evaluate the potential for ecotourism in the County Nong khu forest park pine forest in Tambon Thap than, Amphoe sangkha Surin province.Ms. glass, who studies the Quran PwinaUniversity of rajamangala University of technology ISAN Surin campus Faculty of technology management and disciplineThere are drugs advisors peace hero, d.SC.Academic year 2556 (2013)Abstract Research To evaluate the potential for ecotourism in the County Nong khu forest park pine forest in Tambon Thap than, Amphoe sangkha Surin is intended to study the context on ecotourism in the pine forest, a Park County Nong khu and to evaluate the potential of ecotourism as the Park wild son Nong khu population used in this study are entrepreneurs. Park officials and the head of the family, the community of birds from crazy 201 people, tools used to collect data for statistical questionnaires is used in the data analysis is a statistical average, and standard deviation, which can be summarized as follows: Results of studies assessing the potential for ecotourism in the County Nong khu forest park pine forests found that on each side with the average level of the same element, the area is moderate, with an average 3.34 up 0.83 S.D. Management element in medium level with average 2.82 up 0.87 S.D. elements the activities and processes in the medium level with an average 2.72 up 0.83 S.D. and the element is involved in many levels, with average 3.69 up 0.88 S.D. for observations showed the potential to be great ท่.Eco-ongthiao are what attract tourism and learning. There is abundance and security in tourist areas of utilization management. With the management, knowledge and create awareness. There is an information centre, knowledge of the value of natural resources and tourism, management and the community with revenues from tourism.
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