-For customers in Bangkok and the provinces (with the exception of chon), Credit to the Term K.Sineenart will phone to Confirm the payment to the debtor before each time, or send an E-mail if you can't contact them then will issue a receipt by receipt, there will be 2 by the original Pri.Color a copy of the section will be nt Print in black and white (it does not have to make a copy that is pink and blue, and then by a white paper and use a separate it from the Print colors) which will bring 85 K Chung Carlo. both originals and copies to receive checks from customers and delivering the original receipt with the debtor. After that, when K. Chung was to bring back the Immaculate 85 check along with a copy of receipt attached comes again. If Messenger to check the morning K.Sineenart to take photos, then send a Messenger, check Line comes K.Sineenart check and bring the bank cheque, but if the Messenger to check the afternoon will bring a check back by K.Sineenart who will preserve the checks mentioned before will be stored in the drawer lock which only K.Sineenart only with key, then in the next day or when due, Carlo, 85 K Chung. Bring a check to Pay-inFor customers to call and tell K.Sineenart chon K. busara, a receipt by Print from Excel and then submitting the Messenger to check when the check came, it passed through the head office (GM will be those that go back every week), thus making the payment, the Bank will be delayed more than.
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