The current design of engineering structures are essential to a well-designed numerical analysis and find the most appropriate design. The result was applied to build the actual structure, which does not require modeling the structure first. In the analysis, to design the most appropriate structure [1] requires steps to design a new structure for how to find the right balance. This design has several steps together is how evolution. (Evolutionary algorithms) [2,3] such as Binary Population-Based Incremental Learning (BPBIL) [4-6], Unrestricted Population Size Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimisation Algorithm (UPS-EMOA) [7,42], Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2). [6,8,9], Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimisation (MPSO) [6,10], Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) [6,11], Hybrid Population-Based Incremental Learning (RPBIL) [4,. 12,13] and Hybrid Population-Based Incremental Learning Differential Equation (RPBIL-DE) [4,12,14-16], among methodological Finite Element [17,18] In analyzing the structure. Start the evolutionary algorithms applied to problems with a single goal (Single Objective), but mainly engineering problems that have more than one target or multiple targets. (Multiobjective) to design, to cover the problems and requirements. Thus, evolutionary algorithms, multi-targeted (Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms, MOEAs) [1,19-22], it is an important role to solve this problem. And the solution of this algorithm. Appears in the form of solutions 'Pareto' (Pareto solutions) or edge Pareto (Pareto front) [1], by running only once. Compared to the use of derivatives, which require time. To find the most suitable solution in the face of the Pareto designers looking for the ideal place to find the answer. That said, it has been applied to the design engineering MOEAs widely. And structural design, design variables need to be considered are three main types of structural design parameters (Topology) [23-33] variable shape (Shape) [23,24,26,34-38] and design parameters (size. Sizing) [25,28,34-38] In this study, we analyzed these 3 variables along the way, just put the information related to a single design for easy analysis for the novice who has no knowledge. This side And saves time in the analysis because they can define a single structure was completed without recalculation of up to three times in each call this. Finding the optimal structure shapes and sizes along the way (Simultaneous topology, shape and sizing optimization) [6,39-44] In order to understand the process of finding the most suitable, for example, in the design stage. 1st
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