We are located in the social quality of life need to be developed from the early childhood level, reaching their full potential, and will need to cover both the development body, emotions, mind and intellect, social- Today we will see chaos in society, that is a problem that we solve does not fall. The problem comes from people or we humans are the most rapidly developing unbalanced emphasis on academic ability, or not, or very little attention to the development of emotional-psychological. Let's start in earnest, is helping to make children Thailand we have mood-pretty good solid minds must start from the small and must be developed in parallel with the development of the other side as mentioned above. For the factors that affect the development of children's minds, mood-is very much is the parenting of his father. Mother's parents and early childhood teachers as well as community environment around children. The role of those involved in raising the children is something that most people know, but neglect to treat children.
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