Tat. Organization of "weaving exhibition galleries. The ASEAN, "
ASEAN received. (AEC) , Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). Open the door to the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) organized a "woven art exhibition. ASEAN earth "(ASEAN ONE MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL 2015) to promote cultural tourism. And encourages the travel of tourists from Thailand. And foreigners Watch the performances of artists and cultural exhibition of 10 Asian countries and ASEAN countries. Cultural performances and many other activities on Friday, 10 and Saturday, July 11, 2558 at Chiang Mai Mr Prot, director of the event. Tourism Authority of Thailand, said that in 2558, the ASEAN countries, 10 countries, including Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam have gathered the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by covenant to. as well as one In order to have common economic interests. Thailand Responsible for tourism Due to the availability of resources. And at the center of the region. In addition, this year the government announced a tour to Thailand trajectory. To create awareness about the friendly image of Thailand. Living in Thailand The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). The date of the event. To promote cultural tourism Project title "Weave Arts Festival ASEAN earth "(ASEAN ONE MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL 2015) using the courtyard gate area. Chiangmai Province Event on Friday 10th and Saturday, July 11, 2558 to create awareness to Thailand as a travel hub linking tourism in the region. The art exhibits and cultural differences and diversity of ASEAN countries are attractive and interesting to encourage traveling in space, "weaving exhibition galleries. ASEAN earth "(ASEAN ONE MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL 2015) in the exhibition area will be divided into four zones , Zone 1. The music (ASEAN ONE), a concert by the singer. And musicians from 10 Asian countries, including Thailand, led by Khun In one ETC terminal. Ajith's Sri smell Pchy Witwisit Somsak Prince Mr. Green and The Sound of Siam, Malaysia led by Tay Cher Siang & Winnie Ho Cambodia. led by Yun Khean Myanmar led by Myo min Aung Vietnam led by Tran Manh Tuan, Indonesia, led by Nita Aartsen Philippines led by Rydama Soriano Laos led by Clay great Royal Brunei Mohmd Abdoh Damit and Singapore lead. by Malissa Tham Zone 2. ASEAN PAVILION exhibitions and cultural identity of the region. That echoed in unison. But at the same time convey the identity of each country. Told through pictures, people's lifestyle and dazzled with arts, crafts, basketry demonstrations. Along with the traditional display zone 3. WE ARE ASEAN is presenting photographs of people and culture of each country. The verses are movies Projected onto the walls of the gate. An image that appears to reflect the diversity of people and ways of life very interesting zone 4. ASEAN FOOD the food. And international drinks With an emphasis on local food from ASEAN countries. Organized by Chiang Mai So that visitors can dine in the cozy atmosphere of the city with views Buranupakorn Mayor Mr. Mai. Has confirmed its readiness to welcome and availability in the event of Chiang Mai in the host, in terms of travel, accommodation facilities, including a readiness to accommodate tourists in Thailand. Foreigners every chance that in the meantime, Mr. French was a warm getaway (Jazz Man) provide information on performances in this matter. A gathering of singers and musicians at the forefront of the 10 ASEAN countries. And a special concert at this time. There will be a joint show with artists from everywhere. ASEAN ASEAN ONE song, a song composed especially for this event and on this occasion, ASEAN ONE has begun. Thailand invites tourists both foreign and woven art exhibition. The ASEAN (ASEAN ONE Multicultural Festival 2015) at the yard gate. You will experience a variety of art and culture of the region of Southeast Asia. For more information on the TAT Call Center 1672 and the site of tat. Www.tourismthailand.org Mr Prot said in conclusion.
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