Background: The notes are enriched
Name: Mr. Udom Taepanich
personal stories:
Udom Taepanich born on September 1, 2511 Age
35 years despite age alone. But the rich have created a work out
into the public eye a lot. Each piece, which are the
most popular work in the first step: Udom Taepanich into the entertainment industry began in 2536 as the first year of the first five in the Battle of Sena's move gums. The Comedian Show list with ratings of up to five channels of that period , the rich were born entertainer grill full names Sena's notes to a single. : After the success of the first Udom Taepanich has decided to break away from the Sena's operations. And has created a phenomenon in Thailand, there was only a joke on stage, making people know that Thailand Stand Up Comedy or Thailand in a single microphone. The first solo show was held the microphone for the first time since 2538, and this marks the beginning of the resulting Udom Taepanich has become the joke of the nation's leading single-detached until two, three, four, a show alone. Mike has a lot of people waiting for tickets. To be open until the 21 consecutive rounds at a time. In this country, besides Thongchai McIntyre was also seen to have him here is that it has a story writing: The writing book Udom Taepanich the one who has a reputation as a writer of Best Seller. this book is rich broadly Panich has reached nine books, including - a known base (repeated 31 times) - porn magazines (repeated 20 times) - Single microphone's Creek (repeated 12 times) - includes but friendly. New York (reprinted 18 times) - solo's four (repeat 8 times) - Fujitsu (repeated 13 times) - the bottom box (repeated five times) - Single microphone 1 (repeated 11 times) - GU (Garbage. of Udom) 1-3 170,000 copies in six weeks than these. : In addition to being the author of Stand Up Comedian and rich broadly Panich also works. The film Box plays the hero, which was the most expensive in the country and is also the presenter of CF waves mobile Dtac It is also a rich artist. He has performed the works of art it three times. First name Laxative in 2542 And in later years, a job that Note Udom on Canvas last year in 2544 enriched the work that Voodoo Gu do the work that creates wealth out there. The media made various fields has praised Udom Taepanich a person who has contributed to society - the year 2540 was elected. Person of the Year by the column sparked newspaper Bangkok business - in 2542 the newspaper The Nation: Special issue has been selected to Udom Taepanich as 1 in 100 individuals of the century in a career in acting - and in that same year. Hi Class magazine itself has a rich broadly commercial as one of the 50 most influential political figure in Thailand.
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