1.5 administrative system.Before the Myanmar regime 2554 (2011) there by Government forces under the State peace and Development Council (SPDC and Peace-DevelopmentCouncil State) by a country's head of State, Chairman of the SPDC and Prime Minister as head of Government during such a time. Myanmar is the world community are often blamed on the Government, which is the ruling military dictatorship (Military Council), but it is because of domestic factors, the Board of the Government will have to find a solution to create a reconciliation to occur on most national issues as part of the international.Lokmai can understand the internal issues that are specific to the country Myanmar. However, Myanmar is trying to take the country to a democratic regime in the early days, which is considered to be continuous efforts throughout. It will be seen that the General khin yun, the Prime Minister of the country Myanmar, whereas it has announced a policy to continue the process towards national reconciliation and democracy. (Roadmap towards Democracy) on August 30, 2003, and have established several committees to continue to accomplish such policy 7 steps:
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