. with Chiang Rai, a street, carrots, Jiang Hai, in the past, the past was รูปแบบล้านนา Lanna transforms wisdom. Night life community, every Saturday of the month, starting from November Saturday 1 2551 is a great head at the Bank Street College, since the office of tobacco. Until the intersection. The distances 1500 meters. Located in the heart of Chiang Rai and current extended distances away. The starting time 16.00 PM - 24.00 pm every Saturday, which is also divided into 3 zone. By.1 zone is a source of huge community of leading Rai Royal goods store goods and products, in the tribeZone 2 selling handmade handicrafts, crafts from both the youth and the people. The wisdom of urban spa activities, herbs and massage.Zone 3 exhibition area distribution and souvenirs, kad engaged being a LangAlso, the vendors and food, packaging made from natural materials such as paper bag, crockery made from banana Bamboo basket, and reduce the use of plastic bags to a joint campaign to save the environment. ภาวะโลกร้อนด้วย reduction.
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