Functions of money. Monetary Union is not just a function of will be used to purchase goods and services only! In this article I will be aware of the functions of money that some people may not know or some people may know it, know it better lol. Functions of money are as follows: 1. money is a medium of Exchange, as mentioned in the role of money, lol. Look, it's not a great economy, the circulation of money Union, the same. Because of that we will buy any goods or services, we will use the money to pay those Union selling goods or services vendor, o.k. 2. is the instead is standard, we can use the money Union comparing of things. For example, if we exchanged between items such as chicken with orange, we simply do not know whether to exchange much chicken with oranges in the same advantages and disadvantages perip. Therefore, it is a supplementary funds in the Exchange will make it easier to exchange the item. 3. an value guard Pork with orange look to kep it would keep for a long time, it is not rotten and broken lol but if the value of the items stored in this type of Union was a guarantee to sell in the market, and then collect the cash value of chicken with orange sauce, which can be stored for a long time to make money, it is a treat worth of chicken and orange walls. 4. is the standard to use in the future. Mika twa if reasonable lending loan payable 2,000 regular month-end now, or come to the end of the year, it must pay 2,000 Union with brutality, use of University money interest paid? Therefore, it is standard to use the funds in the future lol. If we don't have the money, they might have been payable, loans based on chen's possible nun order. Really bad! 5. the money in the account to see if the debit or credit amounts must be in the value of money. Whether the baht Silver dollar or Japanese yen amounts
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