Many people understand BigBen is the name of the English Parliament's clock tower, but as a matter of fact, the เป็นชื่อเล่น BIGBEN Bell's largest leaf weight, to 13760 kg, which hung around the vent above the clock face. The bell of the 5 leaves by 4 leaf is hit as a melody. The BigBen is contracted out hours according to the numbers on the clock face, the short needle point
perhaps often call this clock tower, tower เซนต์สตีเฟน (St.Stephen 's Tower) or หอแห่งบิกเบน (Tower of Big Ben), which actually is the name เซนต์สตีเฟน tower The name of the tower in the palace tower one. , which was used as the entrance to the debate in the Senate. At present within the clock tower, not open to public visitors.England will have to ask for a traffic through their local members of the parliament of Great Britain If a child must be aged over 11 years, it hit the tower. For foreigners are not allowed to climb.
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