The fruit is eaten. Without the update, but with good taste
The fruit was in season, but the season will be different, there are certain types of fruits, which occur every season, such as mango, three season we choose to buy seasonal fruit is fresh and free from foreign substances may accelerate
.How to preserve fruit, for a long time to bring clean water to wash, dry and packaged in a plastic box or a plastic bag tightly closed mouth. Finished removing to soak in the fridge. Do not soak the fruit in ice box cham
.How to buy the best fruit should buy the freshest fruits to withered skin? The Green stem and solid pole and Peel. There are no skin, bruise, or there are no good insects to eat here
.There are many benefits of fruits: Vitamin a and c have antioxidant properties help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and help strengthen the skin bright and also allows for better blood circulation system.
Contains vitamin c with indication of slowing the cancer eventually build and nourish the tissue, the wound disappeared quickly. Stimulate the function of white blood cells help reduce toxins in the body. If eaten regularly, you will keep the skin bright.
Additionally, fruit can also be processed by put in syrup will have as many canned fruits and thus be
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