Fried fish with sauce.[FRIED FISH WITH FISH SAUCE].Ingredients.* a fish, heavy 400-500 grams.(snapper fish, other, or fish).* 2 teaspoon oyster sauce* fish sauce 1 tablespoon.* 1 teaspoon sugar* vegetable oil.* fresh vegetables.(tomato, cucumber, cabbage, etc. for decoration food).How to do it step by step.1. Clean and chevrons fish to the bone (the stripes on both sides). To help the fish is cooked and cooked whole.2. Add oil about half a cup, or at least enough to flood the fish. The pan on the soft light. When the water is hot wok, approximately 10 minutes for side first. (tip: don"t try to return the fish to fish is cooked until one side first, so he will go back, otherwise the meat donkey hostage will break off. Not appetizing).3. When fried fish side cooked then return fish to fry side, which will take about 5 minutes when the fish cooked well. Take out and drain it served on a plate prepared.4 method: bring the rest of the oil water pouring from frying fish one tablespoon to put in a pan. And then set on medium heat. Wait until the water is hot, put sugar, fish sauce and oyster sauce. Stir until all ingredients well, then turn off the lights.5. The fresh vegetables and fish fry them. Then the water pouring made in the process of black bean on the fish. Then serve immediately with steamed rice.
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