The skills of the people in the 21 that everyone must learn lifelong learning is 3R x 7C.3R is Reading (read), (W) Riting (write), and (A) Rithemetics (calculator).7C includeCritical Thinking and Problem Solving (skills in critical thinking and problem solving skills).Creativity and Innovation (skills, creativity and innovation).Cross-cultural Understanding (skills, understanding cultural differences, different paradigm).Collaboration Teamwork and, Leadership (skills, cooperation, team work and Leadership).,, Communications Information and Media Literacy (communication skills, information and media literacy).Computing and ICT Literacy (computer skills, and information and communication technology).Career and Learning Skills (professional skills and learning skills).The concept of the future new skills: Learning in the 21 and conceptual frameworks for learning in the 21.Century Learning 21 specifies strategic approach in learning management. By sharing model and practice in enhancing the efficiency of learning ในศต Century 21 with emphasis on knowledge, skills. Expertise and performance occurred with the school. For living in society of change currently, it will refer to the model (Model) accommodation. How from enterprise network cooperation to the skills of learning in the 21 (Partnership. For 21st Century Skills) ( with the initials that network P21 which develop a framework approach to learning in a century 21 by incorporating the knowledge. Specific skills in the skills and literacy services together for the success of students in both work and life.
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