The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of children's oral health promotion, health promotion and the asom oral children's original format. In the Administrators group of children under the age of 6-12 months in thung song district, Nakhon SI thammarat province. How often to clean the mouth Sweet food consumption frequency how often NAP at a bottle of milk, and a film of microorganisms in the oral kid. The format of this study are a random trial. The concealed side. By concealed who interview and review Random in proportion of the population that children receive free vaccinations since age 2 months in the hospital 5 string a dental public health officer stationed in groups, for example, as a group, group 2 105 people control group has been promoting health according to the guidelines of the public health department, dental public health officer ...(B) in connection with vaccination day. Study groups have been promoting health as well as control group in connection with the promotion of health. Asom through training and monitoring from a research contribution in promoting oral health: tooth brush, toothpaste fluoride for children. Glass spout magnet sheet casing and finger tips for cleaning the mouth and drink milk. Asom, skill training, knowledge, oral cleaning and housekeeping training main admin oral physical training performed by children at home and a Street Hospital raiklum and list of people. Full track home by asom people after 1-month follow-up activity 3 months in each group, for example, groups get 104. People study results showed that children with teeth. The main administrator oral cleaning by using a toothbrush. Brush teeth twice a day/kids squeeze the toothpaste in the appropriate quantity (as Green Bean Chili) baby teeth brush after lunch, covering locations rather than control group (p < 0.001) the proportion of children who never consumed more than biscuits control group (p = 0.01) how often NAP Casino bottle is different, and the proportion of children's teeth clean, no stains microorganisms than control group (p < 0.001)
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