Mycotoxin, secondary fungal
metabolite, is naturally and unavoidable
toxicant. It has significant impact on human
and animal health. Hence, consumers are
pay attention to food and feed safety.
Mycotoxin contamination in animal feeding
stuff is of interested worldwide and has
been well reviewed (Leung et. al., 2006;
Tansakul, 2012). In tropical zone, fungal is
commonly present in agricultural
commodities and thus could be a
contaminant in food and feed
Mycotoxin, secondary fungalmetabolite, is naturally and unavoidabletoxicant. It has significant impact on humanand animal health. Hence, consumers arepay attention to food and feed safety.Mycotoxin contamination in animal feedingstuff is of interested worldwide and hasbeen well reviewed (Leung et. al., 2006;Tansakul, 2012). In tropical zone, fungal iscommonly present in agriculturalcommodities and thus could be acontaminant in food and feed
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Mycotoxin, Secondary fungal
metabolite, is naturally and Unavoidable
toxicant. It has significant Impact on Human
and Animal Health. Hence, Consumers are
pay Attention to Food and feed safety.
mycotoxin contamination in Animal feeding
of Stuff is interested Worldwide and has
been well reviewed (Leung et. al., 2 006;
Tansakul, 2012). In Tropical Zone, fungal is
commonly present in Agricultural
Commodities and thus could be a
Contaminant in Food and feed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Mycotoxin secondary, fungal
metabolite is naturally, and unavoidable
toxicant. It has significant impact on human
and animal. Health. Hence consumers, are
pay attention to food and feed safety.
Mycotoxin contamination in animal feeding
stuff is of. Interested worldwide and has
been well reviewed (Leung et. Al, 2006;
, Tansakul 2012). In, tropical zone fungal is
commonly. Present in agricultural
.Commodities and thus could be a
contaminant in food and feed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..