Human (scientific name: Homo sapiens, Latin means "smart" or "I") is the only species in the genus, the ยังมีชีวิต Homo in anatomy, human modern was born in Africa, 200 story000 last year and achieve high conductance behavior (behavioral modernity) completely when 50 story, 2 000 last year []
.The human lineage diverged from the last common ancestors with chimpanzees. The closest creature on a 5 million years ago in Africa. Before the evolution into a mold. โลพิ Aosta scene (Australopithecines) and the last is a genus Homo [3] species, Homo.On the migration out of Africa, is Homo erectusHomo ergaster with Homo heidelbergensis. Which are seen as the direct ancestors of modern humans [] [] Homo 4 5 sapiens also continue to settle in the continent various by arrived in Eurasia between 125 000-60 000 6,, last year [] [7]. Our story, 40Last year, the Americas, 000 story 15 000 last year and the outlying islands such as Hawaiian Easter Island Madagascar and New Zealand between AD 300. 1280 [] [] the story 10 8 9,000 years ago, human begins agriculture model in place. By planting and farming, forest. The world population is increasing rapidly. With the development of the technology that powered by fuel and new techniques.19 20 and human population more increased than before. Because human beings live every continent except Antarctica found is called a "species found around the world" (cosmopolitan species) until November. C.Professor 2012 human population division of United Nations population is estimated at a 7 billion people [10]
.Human beings have special characteristics, is a big brain compared to body size, especially in the neocortex. The frontal lobe, and temporal lobe developed as well. Human can make abstract reasoning language observation within (introspection).The mental capacity of humans. Accompanying with the adaptation to motion two feet which makes free hands managed object handles. Human can use equipment better than any other species on earth.Wear clothes. Use of technology and art and creative and the other human studies is one branch of science called anthropology
.Humans have unique skills in communication system with symbols such as language, to expression, exchange ideas, and to organize human create a complex social structureFrom family and related to the state of social interaction between human established values. Social norms and rituals. This combination is the foundation of human society.Seek the explanation and modify various phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology and
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