Hanuman, a monkey taro (white body) have special characteristics, is in the middle of the palate.
have fangs are earring diamond
can reach to have hair in front of eight hands. And find stars
for a month, use triple diamond (Trident) is a personal weapon
.(used when the battle with the giant does not). Have courage much
can turn into invisible and invincible
even is the weapon of the enemy until death. When the wind blows, it will rise
again. When her mother สวาหะ was cursed to one foot standing
.Air induction, Shiva is commanded. For the weapons of his God Vayu
to take her mouth
she is pregnant and gives birth to a child as white monkey
spring out from mouth, called Hanuman. Hanuman is considered as his father Vayu
Hanuman gave himself to
.Is the protagonist of Rama, help the military battle until the end of the war.
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