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to deforestation 6PAGES ON THIS WIKI Edit Comments0 advertisement Report ' story. The deforestation ' conducted by ' name. The boy responded The festivities growth Mathayom 1/13 No. 20 ' offer ' teacher jeera joy and love letters' R.s.d.r. water Datejust win ' This report is part of the course. Libraries' School of Science Year 2554 Preface ' to this report. Prepared to Learn about current issues in Thailand and told about the causes of the problem, ' Contents' page ' issue of deforestation. 1-2 Causes of Deforestation three suggestions four pictures of deforestation, 5-6 Citation 7 issue of deforestation on climate change. And the deforestation continues. Which caused severe flooding in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Isabela, Quezon, Palawan hunting BUSINESS Cole and Kara Crow will now be intensified. If no concrete measures to solve the problem of climate change. And stop deforestation, but today won Hernandez Valdez, director of the campaign. Greenpeace Southeast Asia, said, "Severe flooding caused by heavy rains have continued in relation to the change of climate. The damage is the result of an increase in the most if the cause of the disasters caused by climate change, combined with deforestation. Philippines received lessons from this effect many times in the past. The worst tragedy occurred in 2533 when Orville TIS and the disaster at Aurora and Quezon provinces in the year 2547, these disasters will occur continuously. As long as there are no regulations to serve evolved climate change. And stop deforestation. Adopted floods last month. Which will take place simultaneously in all provinces in the Philippines. As a result, citizens over 10 000 families in the area have migrated to another locale. A recent report from Greenpeace Which was issued in November last year on "Crisis or Opportunity: Climate Change Impacts and the Philippines" by Dr. Pedro Leon City later meteorologist famous people of the Philippines. He argues that the impact of climate change will cause droughts, floods, forest fires and cyclones in the frequency rate. And sharpened Dr. Fodor later explained that "climate change will further aggravate the suffering and increase the burden to the Filipinos, most of which already have to bear. All countries must cooperate to prepare strategies to cope with the disaster. And continuous risk assessment. Including measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, such as replacing the use of fossil energy is clean energy. And use energy more efficiently, "according to data from the statistics that. The deforestation cause heavy rainfall conditions worsen further. The deforestation continues as legitimate. And the US Secret cut, making the forest, which usually acts as a barrier to effective protection from typhoons, tropical storms and landslides. Losing the ability to prevent a catastrophic natural disaster , Greenpeace said. Each year, more than 500 people have died from typhoon occurred about 17-22 times that swept through the country. This figure rose to two times during the floods and landslides during the November - December 2547, killing a 10-fold increase from the tragedy that occurred in the province of ORM chest. During the month November 2534 the number of deaths and statistical damage to property and infrastructure will increase the number, frequency and intensity of typhoons. While the government claims that Heavy rain causes flooding. But the study found that the disappearance of forests is partly caused catastrophic natural disasters Von Hernandez Valdez said that government officials often argue that the rain very hard, causing floods that occur each. time Only to disown responsibility It is estimated that Cy heavy rainfall will increase in the future. The government should issue strict measures to protect forests and stop deforestation. Along with the policy to reduce its dependence on energy from fossil fuels, which contributes to climate change. And advance the use of clean energy, a major cause of the crisis in the forest ' one. Illegal deforestation is a problem of capitalism is timber merchants. Mill owner Owners sawmills Forest concessionaire and the common folk. The cutting of trees for wood, took advantage of both legal and illegal ways. The amount of forest being destroyed day by day this will increase the rate of population increase. How much more is the population increase The demand for timber is increasing as the use of wood in buildings, houses, tools, appliances, furniture, agriculture and charcoal for cooking etc. 2. encroachment of forest land to the population increase. The demand for land to build housing and land. It is higher as a result, pushing people into invasive forest forest clearing or burning forests Shifting is also a capitalist land that hire people to destroy the forest reserve land to be sold to third. Promotion of crops or raising livestock for export, such as cassava, jute etc., does not promote efficient use of land and forest areas, some of which are not suitable to be used in agriculture.
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