Cheese dumplings wrapped in ham recipes.
dumpling recipe cheese ham
period 30 minutes for 3-4 people
raw dumpling cheese, ham
1.? 1 dumplings wrapped
2. Moss SA rail, cheese (diced 1 / 2 cubes) 1 cup
3. Ham (chopped small) 2 sheet
4. Fried oil 5 น้ำจิ้มบ๊วย
.How to make dumplings wrapped cheese ham
1.Dumplings, put moss saare La cheese and ham, using water as adhesive, dumplings, mesh Dumpling Sheet เข้าหากัน triangular air. (time extending dumplings will not inflated to swell). See that the dumpling sheet together tightly. (filling will not fall the frying time)
2.The frying medium when the dumplings golden on both sides, scoop drain it served with plum sauce.
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