To be eaten fresh, so slake throatVitamin c in tamarind Fort is absorbed faster than vitamin c Tablet very seriously.Use a bright white, skin Treatment of Melasma with tamarind, and then came the rain cap to the bulwarks of water supplied each with frosted Roy.Healthier skin slow aging.Nourish and maintain healthy hair Smooth the hair and prevents oxidizing qualities treat with tamarind-fried with coconut oil and then remove the turret oil, fermented, I.Nourish eyes and maintainHelp nerves and brain.There are antioxidants help strengthen immune strength.Maintenance interval is a fruit body without organs, and helps almost every part of the body.Nourish the blood as well.The Fort has a flu medication, tamarind, cough and sputum, and melt. Using fresh-squeezed effects brought about 30 remove water or boiled water instead of drinking and bring results. This should select all the Fort held out the skin young tamarind yellow is. Possible to treat cough and flu.Fresh tamarind leaves, boiled water, Fort bath reduces fever.Makham Pom fights against cancerMakham Pom the help in reducing cholesterol, reducing sugars. Reduce blood fat with.Help heal and prevent disease scurvyResolve the tooth pain. By using boiled water and then with branches of the clues bring candy gargle frequently.Its sour tamarind helps to dissolve phlegm, the Citadel and the audio as well.Makham Pom boiled dried root drink hot diarrhea in blood pressure.Aid in the prevention of diabetes.Reduce eye complications from diabetes.Makham Pom is a component used for the treatment and prevention of fever, the big temple. Tuberculosis treatment of AIDS.Tamarind dry help to maintain disease Fort twist. Use the red eye treatment eye wash Eye inflammation.Tamarind dry Fort. When the mixed water is iron rust disease help solve disan.Makham Pom helps prevent and treat disease, high blood pressure.Help maintain diphtheriaNourish the lung bronchi The heart and the stomach.Tamarind seed Fort. When taken with hot water pounded into powder drink makers help keep asthma. Asthma, bronchitis. Nausea and vomiting.Help prevent ulcers in the stomach.Help prevent and cure constipation.Inhibits liver and kidney toxicity.Used as a diuretic and laxative and anthelmintic drug shooting.Results from the tire. Use the Eyedropper to eat inflammatory eye to aid in digestion and diuretic.Tamarind bark can drink boiled Fort dysentery.Assist in the monthly adjustment as normal.Help heal fever thapradu.Help maintain athlete foot using tamarind bark Fort the Fort came to be mixed with water and then pounded Shalom.Anti virus, bacteria, fungi.Fresh tamarind root Pom helps to resolve the poisonous centipede bite from.Bark of stem, tamarind, turret Wound healing using edit contusion. Dry shell comes with a powder and sprinkle the wound area.And the bark of trees, tamarind, turret The drug is used as astringent to heal.Tamarind seeds of protection when faced burning fire until the ash is mixed with water and plant brought the lash fixes the blister, itch.Makham Pom abrasive helps prevent myocardial infarction reduces fat in the blood and some cancer and viruses.It has a Fort, tamarind stems rigid and durable wood suitable for thus used to make jewelry, or piling be used as fuel.Dry leaves. Bring the wool fibers dyed silks are Brown, yellow,A drug used with flowers aroma Used as a laxative and cold medicine.Used as a shampoo Hairy black hair and help prevent premature oxidizing qualities treat hair.Mahmood Kham pen Fort be processed fruit for many such supplements vary greatly. Cosmetics Cough shampoo Tamarind water Fort. Makham Pom crystallizeadvertisements Makham Pom crystallizePrepare raw materials. Makham Pom/1 kg fresh 1 tablespoon salt Transparent/Brown 4 tablespoons Transparent cement/waterRinse thoroughly, then use a knife to slice the tamarind based on the length of the result, but do not want to seed.Bring the salt pot insert Put enough water, then boil for approx.Done, and leave it to cool, then remove the turret is submerged in salt water, tamarind leave, 1 night.Dawn, bringing clean water to wash turret came to tamarind, and then soaked in lime water clear, approximately 3 hours.Clear lime water from soaking and then allow it to cement-plastered red couch anal scoop, remove the bath water, tamarind, but sai Fort.When frozen. Bring water, rinse again, then put the strainer, drain the water and put the sugar to boil, boil, boil water, leave to cool, laeokrong.After the bath water, tamarind, the Fort closed the lid, 1 night.วันที่ 2 มานำมะขามป้อมขึ้นจากน้ำเชื่อม แล้วเติมน้ำตาลลงในเชื่อมแล้วต้มให้น้ำตาลละลายเมื่อน้ำเชื่อมเย็นแล้ว นำมะขามป้อมแช่อีกรอบ และทำเช่นนี้จนครบ 2 ครั้งวันที่ 5 นำมะขามป้อมออกเอาแต่น้ำเชื่อมไปต้มให้เดือด ทิ้งไว้จนเย็น แช่มะขามป้อมใส่น้ำเชื่อมอีกจนกระทั่งน้ำเชื่อมซึมเข้าเนื้อมะขามป้อมจนเห็นเป็นเนื้อใส ๆ เป็นอันเสร็จรับประทานได้เลย
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