Sports is valuable in itself at all. From the history of basketball. The cause of the creation to be able to play in the snow, exerciseField used to play, not very big. Which is suited to the current land price is high and is rare. The number of players not much. The player must rely on speed and the ability to play.Which basketball has latent value and benefits are concluded as follows:
.1. Help and promote the development of the potential in various aspects, including physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and social to the People
2.Help develop and promote the mechanism of body movement (Motor Skill) to coordinate better, whether it เป็นม hand foot eye movement accurately
3. A recreational activities for leisure. Relieve the tension to the players and audience
4.Training helps decision making and thinking problems. As well as concentrate well
5. Help practice generosity know lose know win and forgive
6. Use เป็นสื่อ in the relationship between the individual and collective
7.Use the media in teaching activities in physical education subject
8. Players with the ability to bring the sound itself. The family and the nation
9. A professional one side for sports such as basketball, race time occupation, etc.!
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