วันที่ 23บางครั้งก็อดนึกถึงอดีตไม่ได้อดีตที่เคยผ่านอะไรมามากมาย เรื่อง การแปล - วันที่ 23บางครั้งก็อดนึกถึงอดีตไม่ได้อดีตที่เคยผ่านอะไรมามากมาย เรื่อง อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

วันที่ 23บางครั้งก็อดนึกถึงอดีตไม่ไ

วันที่ 23
บางครั้งก็อดนึกถึงอดีตไม่ได้อดีตที่เคยผ่านอะไรมามากมาย เรื่องราวมากมายที่ผ่านมา ทั้งความรัก ความหวัง ความสมหวัง ความผิดหวัง เรื่องการคบเพื่อน เรื่องสนุกสนาน มันชอบหวนคิดไปเรื่อยๆ ทั้งๆที่ตนเอง คิดแล้วก็อดที่จะร้องไห้ไม่ได้ สำหรับตัวฉันตอให้โดนมีดแทง หรือตกบันได เป็นร้อยๆครั้ง ก็ไม่ทำให้ฉันร้องไห้มีน้ำตาเท่ากับมาทำให้ฉันเสียใจ ถ้าเธอมาสัญญาว่าจะรักฉันตลอดไป แม้ว่าทุกอย่างจะไม่เหมือนเดิม แต่เธอนั้นเหมือนเดิม ฉันอยากจะบอกเธอได้เลยว่า ฉันจะรักเธอคนเดียวเท่านั้น

เคยมีกันและกัน มีวันที่ดีกันมา
เคยมีเธอมองตา เวลาที่ต้องการใคร
เหนื่อยแค่ไหน (เหนื่อยแค่ไหน)
เธอคือกำลังใจ ในวันที่ไม่มีใคร
จะต้องเจออะไร มีเธอก็ไม่เคยกลัว
ต่อให้มืดสลัว ก็เดินไปด้วยกัน
ทำใจไม่ทัน ที่มาจากฉันไปในวันนี้ (ในวันนี้)
เมื่อไม่มีเธอ มันเหมือนจะตาย
เธออยู่ที่ไหน อย่าทิ้งฉันไป
จะอยู่ยังไง ถ้าวันนี้ฉันไม่มีเธอ
มันเจ็บเหลือเกิน มันปวดเหลือเกิน
I can't breathe I can't breathe Yeah
พยายามจะลืม ทำใจให้ลืมเธอไป
แต่ฉันก็ยังมีเธอ ฝังในความทรงจำ
ไม่ว่าทำยังไง (ทำยังไง)
ทำใจไม่ทัน ที่มาจากฉันไปในวันนี้ (ในวันนี้)
เมื่อไม่มีเธอ มันเหมือนจะตาย
เธออยู่ที่ไหน อย่าทิ้งฉันไป (อย่าทิ้งฉันไป)
จะอยู่ยังไง ถ้าวันนี้ฉันไม่มีเธอ
เมื่อไม่มีเธอ มันเหมือนจะตาย
เธออยู่ที่ไหน อย่าทิ้งฉันไป (อย่าทิ้งฉันไป)
จะอยู่ยังไง ถ้าวันนี้ฉันไม่มีเธอ
(มันเจ็บเหลือเกิน มันปวดเหลือเกิน
I can't breathe I can't breathe Yeah
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

23Sometimes I think about the past, not the past, been through a lot. Many stories, both unrequited love, hope, disappointment regarding the making of friends. Fun I like to think so. In spite of theirFor my stump to fall off a ladder or a knife stabbed a hundred times. Do not make me cry tears of made me sad. If she promised to love me forever. Although everything is not the same. But she is the sameI will only love you
I have each other Have a great day together, she had a look
I just need one time. (I do), it feels good

She is encouraging. To date, no one would have seen something
. She was never afraid to dim
. They walk together
(Walking together)

it from me, but she did not understand why it ended up like this
chill behind. From me to this day. (Today)
it suffered no one to tell me

like yesterday when her each day, it lonely too

.When she It's like I want to die

she heard about her whereabouts.
Please do not leave me to return to my loved ones new to me
. If today I do not have her, it hurts me
. It pains me to like her

.i can't breathe i can't breathe yeah
trying to forget. She forgot to chill
But I still have her. Embedded in the memories
that do not. (I do)
did not forget me

Why have ended, it can not understand why this
.Chill coming behind me to this day. (Today)
it suffered no one to tell me

just like yesterday when she already lonely too

it each day without her. It's like I want her to die, you hear me

.Where she is Do not leave me (Do not leave me to it)
to return to my loved ones new to me
. If today I do not have her on her

on the day it was too lonely without you. It's like I want her to die, you hear me

.Where she is Do not leave me (Do not leave me to it)
to return to my loved ones new to me
. If I Is not Got
(it hurts me. It pains me to like her
i can't breathe i can't breathe yeah
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Date: 23
Sometimes when reminded of the past is not the past, that has been through a lot of what. Many stories of love. The hope of hopes fulfilled Disappointment. Subject friendship A fun story. It's like how we think so in spite of ourselves. For me, it was a knife stab or stair fall into so many times. It does not make me cry with tears to come, I'm sorry. If she had promised to love me forever. Even if everything is not the same, but she is the same. I will only love you
Ever had. Have a nice day.
she ever had. Time to anyone how tired
good feeling she is discouraged. For that, no one will have to see what the
. There, she was never afraid of the dark, Dim:
. They walk together

but it wasn't from me she understood why this model end up
not sure making that comes from me to today (today)
no one torture it, telling love

, as in the old days when she does not exist, then
each day it am lonely too:
.Without her, it appears to be dead, I want her to hear
is she? Don't leave me to
help back to people who love me again
is? If today I do not have it hurt her too
it pains too

back to her?I can't breathe I can't breathe Yeah
trying to forget it, forget it, but I'm her to her
. Rooted in memories of
no matter how tips to (make it)

was never forget why it is my understand why
want to end up like this
.Do not mind coming from me to today (today)
no one torture it, telling love

, as in the old days when she does not exist, then
each day it's too am lonely
without her. It appears to be dead, I want her to hear
.Is she? Don't leave me (don't leave me)
passing back to people who love me again
is? If today I do not have her

no, each day it's too am lonely
without her. It appears to be dead, I want her to hear
.Is she? Don't leave me (don't leave me)
passing back to people who love me again
is? If today I do not have her
(it hurts too, it pains too
back?!), I can't breathe I can't breathe
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Sometimes I think of the past is not past what had passed through many of the stories had a lot of love, and the hope of the disdain of disappointment about the conspiracy to a friend fun it was like getting back in spite of their own ideas.For me, I hit a stump, knife or fallen ladders for hundreds of times, it does not make me cry with tears, as she came to me, I am sorry for you, if you promise you'll love me forever even if everything would not be the same, but she was the same.I will love her, only

had a good day and have never been there, and she looked at his eyes,
who want how tired (tired how)

she felt better morale in the day is that no one else will have to find out what is
she had never been afraid to make
went together.(walking together), but she was from

I don't understand why they need to come up with this
could not keep up with the out of me to this day (on this day)
it was torture. There is none to tell you love

as in yesterday when she was not there, and each day it

I was lonely too.It's like she doesn't have to be death

I want her she heard? Where is not going to leave me
help to return to the man I love new
is what if this day I do not have her
it was so sore it hurt so much she

back to you?breathe I I can 'T't can breathe Yeah
trying to swallow her to forget
but I had to have her buried in the memories
not that I can do (i)

I never forget why I am from
it doesn't understand why I have to come up with this
I could not keep up with the out of date in this (on this day)
it torture. There is none to tell love

as in yesterday when she was not there, and it was lonely at each day

when there is no more than to her, it's like I want to die

she heard?I don't know where I was she was going to leave (Don't let me go)
help to return to the man I love new
is what if I don't have it this day when she does not have her

each day, and then it was too lonely at her, it's like
when do not have to be dead

I want to she heard?I don't know where I was she was going to leave (Don't let me go)
can help to return to the man I love new
is what if I don't have her this day
(it hurt so much it was so sore
back to you? She)
I I can breathe can 'T't breathe Yeah
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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