The carbon cycle is the lifecycle carbon Biogeochemistry, which is exchanged between organisms, Earth, water, and carbon is a critical element of the element of the element is approximately 50% of the tissue of living organisms and carbon dioxide, which is essential to plant growth. The turnover of carbon in ecosystems can be divided into 3 types according to the time spent in circulation, the anniversary is short term. Medium-term and long-term.Short term turnover.As the circulation of carbon in the shape of carbon dioxide through the process photosynthesis and respiration. Starting from atmospheric carbon dioxide fixation in plants for synthesis is organic matter. Carbon from the atmosphere, thereby moving into crops occur both on land and in water, therefore the equation.6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2In photosynthesis, plants will change to solar energy is chemical energy used was partially to some is stored in the image-carbohydrate which broadcasts along the food chain. These carbon back into the atmosphere by respiration and decomposition after death living things into. This degradation may be the carbon in carbon dioxide or methane format returns to the atmosphere.Microbial decomposition occurs in two conditions, namely, Conditions with and without oxygen. The oxygen conditions. Organic carbon is released as carbon dioxide. The section on conditions there is no oxygen. Carbon is released as methane by bacteria, group a Methanogen methane is converted to carbon dioxide by Methylotroph Methylomonas bacteria such as group.Carbon monoxide is one of carbon resulting from chemical reactions or methane light from the burning of biomass. Normally, carbon monoxide is a toxic compound creatures but there are certain organisms use energy sources, such as carbon monoxide is Pseudomonas carboxidoflava and Pseudomonas carboxydohydrogena, which will change as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen conditions. The section on conditions there is no oxygen, Methanosarcina barkeri is replacing the carbon monoxide methane and Clostridium thermoaceticum change carbon monoxide is a CD containing amino acids. Long term rotationAs the circulation of carbon through the structure of the world, both in the land. The ocean and the Tartar. An important element of the limestone is calcium carbonate. Cumulative carbon source is limestone of the surface of the Earth is important. Changes of weather and erosion will Leach the calcium. Silica and carbon out of the equation, therefore limestone.CaCO3 + CO2 → Ca2+ + 2HCO3-CaSiO3 + 2CO2 + H2O → 2HCO3- + SiO2What is erosion into the river and onto the ocean, Ca2 +, and HCO3-is used to create the structure of the city with a calcium carbonate shell elements, such as? Some become carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. When the creature died will be biodegradable as carbon dioxide in the deep water, which will be returned to the atmosphere when the water in the area, roll up.
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