The roots of modern Amish practices grow from a fascinating seed that combines history and religion.<br> <br><br>Early in the 16th century, several groups of European Christians broke away from the Catholic Church. The "Anabaptists", or "re-baptizers", eventually became known as "Mennonites" in honour of one leader, Menno Simons.<br> <br><br>The Mennonites established written rules, known in German as "ordnung", to guide both daily life and religious practices. They would not have seen much difference between ordinary and religious duty. Instead, their whole lives were dedicated to living in harmony with God and each other.<br> <br><br>Some other Christian denominations were more co-operative with their state governments. Mennonites, however, were often persecuted: imprisoned, banished or executed. Those who remained true to the Anabaptist beliefs therefore took their faith very seriously.
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