Category b. nature of fatal errors Features include offences that are punishable by disciplinary layoff without any compensation, according to the labor protection act or a judgment by a Court of competent jurisdiction, statute labour.1. malpractice or criminal offences by company or supervisors, or who have been assigned.2. deliberately makes the company or those authorised to act on behalf of the damage received.3. negligence causes the company received serious damage. 4. breaches of company rules and regulations, or regulations or instructions of the company fair and lawful, and the company has admonished in writing the book, warning be effective not later than 1 year after the date the employee misconduct, except that evil raengborisat no need to admonish.5. strive for three consecutive working days, whether it is a holiday, separated or not, without justification.6. save the down time into or out of work instead of someone else (if the clock card company. Or a swipe card.7. receive prison sentences to imprisonment, unless a penalty for an offence by negligence or petty offence. Must be the case that employers have been damaged.8. disclose the secrets of business management or data or information via the production or marketing of the company without the company's permission has been damaged.9. the use of false documents or provide a false message on a job application or provide false information or company bosses, to their own benefit, or cause the company a serious mistake.10. the brawl or the assault or bullying bosses or company representative or a client company or an employee or someone who comes in contact with the company work both during working hours and part-time work in the area of the company or where the company's activities or on the transport company or the company,11. joining a strike of employees is done in contravention of the Act. Labor relations or other relevant laws.12. liquor or alcoholic beverages into the company or alcohol or intoxicants, regardless of whether the symptoms are symptoms of intoxication or not, or to distribute, possession, or encourage others in work time or part-time work in the area of the company or where the company activities, or on the company's transport company, unless the Company Banquet and announced it in advance in writing.13. other offences in addition to the above, but it is considered wrong by common sense and the common tradition.Consideration of disciplinary punishment regulation, the operation of the company may not, and does not cover all situations in all aspects. Therefore, the Considering the penalties are at the discretion of the company taking into account the creative labour relationship to achieve fairness and equality for all employees in the company.
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