Cultivating the plot size 2-2.5 m 1 rai of land for planting the seeds about 50 grams (four thousand seeds) by converting them scattering seed on the soil, manure, then sprinkle over some. Cover with water to wet or dry rice straw is used to sprinkle the seeds in rows, each row of about 10 cm apart when seedlings have 2-3 true leaf blade to pull off some daring split not too crowded. Will cause rot and the weak when I last about 26-30 days or 3-4 true leaves, so the seedlings. I have to make a move and be extra careful. Seedlings are easily traumatized because The move would probably move to the soil in bags or her strength before. Planting and must be watered with lotus spray or lightly spray injection immediately within the first 2-3 days may allow strong seedlings faster with the use of paper or banana leaves to cover the seedlings. Proper spacing for planting lettuce onion is 30x50 cm.
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