Save the attached contract August 30 Edition B405 b.e. 2558 # 1.Do the retro social Company Ltd. วันที่ ……………………………….. Save this agreement made between the company, social without limits with retro Ms. Nongluck. Kunitachi glory Address 20 Sukkasem Rd. Suthep, Muang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, which in this contract, called a "seller". With Ms. Malioraron Bun comes 88/27 Moo 2 tambol forest Sun. A. Muang, Chiang Mai, which in this agreement referred to as the "purchaser". Both parties agree the contract save attachments with the following message:1. According to the parties, both parties agreed to. Which neither party wishes to cancel. The text in the message contract subject to 8% rental guarantee 11.5.2 per year (selling price) for a period of three years does not request the withholding of 5% and a promise that 11.5.6 story guaranteed buyback in the end of year 5 in the selling price of this contract.2. neither party may want to save the attachment to this contract by giving a termination clause that 11.5.6 where text and 11.5.2 the text in part contrary to the contract, save the attachment of this agreement to use the text as this manual. Messages which do not scrub it in accordance with the agreement.Save attachments to this contract made a second edition. There is a correct match, neither party has read and understood the text properties in the Appendix of this agreement that meets, so attributing them as signed important witnesses and faction holds one Department.(ลงชื่อ)..........................................................ผู้จะขาย (Retro social limits by Ms. Nongluck Kunitachi glory).(ลงชื่อ)..........................................................ผู้จะซื้อ (Ms. Malioraron Bun).(ลงชื่อ).........................................................พยาน ( )(ลงชื่อ)........................................................พยาน ( )
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