Regulations on the use of the pool
.Regulations, regulations is broad user should treat seriously. To prevent distasteful to society or people and prevent various dangers. The 70000 to life threatening.Regulations should be labeled in the pool to let users know. Adhere to practice and the general public. The problem is that no pool pool shown to users see
.The supervisory unit Physical education department has compiled its regulation is as follows. 4
1. Be careful not to swim near jump
2. stop vomiting in the pool area
3. No committed in dirty pool
4.Don't swim as rain or thunderstorm
5. Do not chew food or chewing gum swimming time
6. No urine feces into a pond is strictly prohibited.
7. No students swim. In the water before a trainer or caregivers
8.Teachers must check the number of students swim every time
9. Should not be immersed in the water when you feel ตัวเองเหนื่อยมาก and
10. Do not to swim alone. Fatal
11. No water immediately. After eating a full new
12.Stop chasing each other around the pool area, or to push for the water
13. Should maintain good manners does not cause problems to others รำคา
14. Don't do anything that might cause harm and others
15.Should cut hand and toenails short or nail cleaner
16. Must obey the supervisor safety in swimming pool
18. No swimming ban people. May be hit and causing dangerous
19.If a social mind must be cured before the 20. Don't jump into the pool, and brought his head in the water. Before the test the depth of water before
21. Must obey the rules of using the device to exercise strict ว่ายน้ำโด
22.Do not apply oil or similar oil all kinds according to body in the pool
23. Coaching should be the edge must know first aid and tool storage
24.Shallow pool depth, different levels, those who swim is not solid, should swimming from deep to shallow
25. ห้ามกระทำการ anything that causes damage to the property of the pool.
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