Discuss the result!From previous tests showed that both groups of students with knowledge in fundamental physics are close together is no different. The distribution of scores were not significantly different. After the experiment, for a period of 15Interactive Science Simulations achievement than those in the conventional group The significance level of.According to the hypothesis 05
.From the findings that achievement in physics evacuations base of group teaching Interactive Science Simulations higher learning by the conventional method.In accordance with the concept of PHET noted that the use of model PhET achievement is very good when the share with the lecture. Teaching activities in the operation as well as homework.((HTTPS:/ / / / research phet.colorado.edu th,2557) and the research of jantanee is thi tus. Collision Nan, some party and an assumption, hat beauty found the instruction about nuclear physics, which are similar to Interactive Science Simulations..Research of business 05 feed, Mani Si, it was found that the computer assisted instruction. The developed efficiency was higher than the criterion when the pre-test and post-test scores were compared the difference of the average by testing. T-test.Computer assisted instruction with higher learning lessons at significance level.05 research of jantanee is thi tus. Collision Nan, some raise rise, บุณย Dharma and party. Mary School Chai talisman found that computer assisted instruction of Physics 1 for engineers. The researcher effectively according to the criterion.The significance level of.05 many research about support using media computer, computer assisted instruction. Including the use of computer simulation models to help learning in physics or in other interesting, easy to learn.When considering the results, which showed that the achievement of students in physics evacuations base group taught by Interactive Science. Simulations.Especially in the content that cannot be seen with the naked eye example case the ปรากฏการณ์โฟโตอิเล็กทริก etc. The use of scientific models can stop motion picture to explain events in the moment.We may be able to capture the movement moves in time. May not understand perfectly. From the research on the model of PhET (HTTPS:/ / / / research phet.colorado.edu th,2557) found that learning is more effective when the use of model PHET with experiment. It also increases motivation add fun in learning model of PhET.
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