และในไม่นานบริษัท google หรือ google inc ก็ได้ถือกำเนิดขึ้นมาในตอนนั้นมีพนักงาน 4 คนซึ่งรวมแลรี่เพจและเซอเกย์บรินด้วยโดยได้ใช้ชื่อโดเมนหรือชื่อเว็บว่าgoogle.com
And google is not google inc in any nanborisat or its coming it employs 4 people which includes your memory pages and the ake borin by using the fully qualified domain name or the name of the Web that google. com.
And most recently in google or google inc company was born at that employs four people, including Larry Page and Brin Service by using the domain name or the name of the site that google.com.
And in the long Google company or Google Inc was born at that time, there was a staff 4 person which included Larry Page and Brin with Serge array by using the domain name or the name of the web that google.com.