Depression can occur during the life of our people. As the depression does not mean that it will be someone who is weak, but it is the only one in which the current illness this disease can be cured by treatment medication or mental treatment.Risk factors that make an opportunity arises it is stress. Mental conditions caused by parenting, it is another risk factor. Per occurrence of depression as well. People who lack pride in themselves and their own world view he is constantly negative. They have the opportunity to make his illness easier.The symptoms of someone who is sick, depression often prefer the idea alone made the slow permeability reiterated reiterated and admonish is spoken, which patients will have symptoms of heavy rail with 2-3 months is considered the most dangerous, because the range has a chance to think, short of suicide is very high.Therefore, the primary treatment is the use of medication (antidepressants) by sad treatment is divided into three phases, according to the disease, which carried the sad all the medication did not affect depression immediately. Generally see results after 1-2 weeks and then go to the medicine.
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