The history of the coin by Mr. Panom BunphraiSince the Sukhothai era Ayutthaya period Thonburi takes up until early Rattanakosin money that is used as a medium for the exchange of goods, it is a round silver, also known as "money photduang" and has a similar style and always. What will be different in detail and during his reign, seals only. But enough, in the reign of 4 started with a standard universal coin production due to expansion through trade with foreign countries. It has a flat coin and gained popularity in the economy is extremely. Make money with photduang produced insufficient demand to be forged together. Make money photduang production decreased gradually until it finally was declared permanently disabled in the reign of 5 after over 600 years.Coin production, according to the international standard, this means he has Church trial manufacture of coin which is made by hand. How to make a flat sheet of metal is cut into round slices, has size and weight, and then hit the seal (pending machinery manufacture coins from England), but produce much, and rarely so successfully stopped after manufacturing the coins sent to the establishment of a production plant with a capacity of coins by the Organization has been granted the name "rongok sap license" and started production of the machine with a coin. The first coin is a coin tribute ", but it was canceled because of the waste produced per day was not so much and not enough. Later, in the more Ginkgo has been manufacturing 2405 (1862) used one. By mimic the action of Ginkgo, Chinese and Vietnamese as a coin dibuk mixed copper flat round surface characteristics; Take this number and post a notice of the price is up to 3 languages: Thai, Chinese, Roman, it might be said that this is the modern Ginkgo from international currency because there are up to 3 languages has also used gold as a medium of exchange conversion as well. Gold coins have been produced or thongpae. Price's (eight baht) crazy (four baht), phatdueng (tenth ¼ of 1 baht), etc., and there are also producing coin. Gold, silver, copper, seal of the Crown of light, many, many times with a machine.At 2407 (1864) King Mongkut Rama He has reached the age of 4 reign of 60 years he has produced coins Church branded "phichai of the Crown" is a gold coin to give as well as take Royal House and Government officials approved wongsa, which might be considered a manufactured tra coins coin commemorative medals for the first, it said. In the reign of King Chulalongkorn King Rama v has produced more coins, prot is used in a Tin Medal, an obsolete unit of price-2411 (1868) There is also production of coins of monetary amounts. Coins, currency and arms (coats arms) THB rope and fueang. Chapon bronze bronze coat reject (Phra Siam thewa works of) an obsolete unit of the notarization prices and masjidpurani slice. 2451 (1908) Penny white gold coins have been produced (nickel) and copper which looks strange is a flat round coin with a hole in the Middle, or often called "money hole" features on the front a unalom with Siam Rath and the lekbokrakha on the back of an 8-headed machine and told him last year that production. 2452 (1909) he ordered the silver medal at the Paris Mint. French country. Known as "silver medal at กรณ์ส down male kite/not ya," which just allows to use the gold Act, but not up to his release, he passed first. Therefore this commemorative coin is to give his men the Grand body instead.There is also money that is used in a card game with a silver medal is a medal, silver medal or trophy is 25 Satang fueang with their employer at a gambling den bring cacophony to customers to use hook and the other is the silver floppy. In the reign of his Majesty King Rama VI beginning continues to use the coin produced in the reign of 5 which is still enough to make it to his la 2456 (1913) Grand new design silver medal. In addition, white gold penny coins are produced with a hole in the Middle again. Looks like in the reign of 5 but they vary a little in detail, such as year of transition from the old era (ROR Fri.) is the Buddhist era (Wed Fri.)In the reign of his Majesty King Prajadhipok Rama The reign of 7 gold medals, he produced a white, prot penny in the hole like a penny-2469 (1926) in the reign of the 5, but differ in some details, such as characteristics of the machine will have a State-of-the-headed away. In the manufacture of Church silver 2472 (1929) 5 ส.ต. and ส.ต. 20 up front is a statue of him, half. On the back of the elephant is a plaster cast. In the reign of his Majesty King Bhumibol อนันท third master. The reign of the early 8 still has holes in the white gold penny coin production (nickel) used by previous close to contemporary styles, but there are many holes in the penny will produce a different pattern such as stripes in front of the layoknok from the laikranok and Thai unalom scratch-BOA kranok Shin sing and changed the word Siam Thai Government as a State, etc. Moreover, the production of coins, copper penny-penny and half price for the first time, but not as popular with people. There are 2489 (1946) Tin Satang coin production price characteristics, there are no holes in the middle. In front is a statue of a King when his younger. Behind it is the khrutpha, which is different from the past as the elephant. In the reign of King Rama III phumiplodunyadet plain. King Rama IX began circulating coin production is in his first reign as Penny coins 2493 (1950) copper and Tin round style flat with no hole in the middle in front of the image of God. On the back is the emblem 2515 (1972) have been manufacturing price 5 baht coin Nickels issued banknotes instead of a turnover type 5 baht price is 9 square and has a production until it was cancelled due to production, 2520 (1977) forged together. It has been produced with white gold, copper 5 baht and prices rather than a medal and the first to use a metal layer. Edge of a coin with the words "kongok sap Treasury Department Ministry of finance" features most of the circulating coin in this reign, the coins are round, there are no holes in the middle. In front is a statue of a King. The latter section in multiple formats such as
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