Ten months into the aquatic environment the tradition of Nakhon SI thammarat nationals merit that faith influenced which comes from Brahmanism. The aim is to give to charity section devoted to the souls of ancestors and relatives die. , Which was released from the hell that they must come to imprison their Karma because has ever made, the episode still alive. By will start releasing the hotel from hell every day in month 10 to come to the human world with the aim to come to ask for a boon from the progeny section relative. That is prepared to devote to show gratitude towards people. After that, it will go back to hell. In month 10 dayThe duration of the ritual tradition in the 10th month, ten months are held in RAM to RAM a ten month of every year, but for southerners, often unappreciated are popular day 13-15 dinner date by ten months in the aquatic environment, traditions, mostly correspond to the month of September.
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