⚡ ️ care to make new clean housekeeper and neatness of the Lobby.⚡ ️ - writing supplies / document.⚡ ️ down work in Ybeone system.⚡ ️ picking, deposit, return the key.⚡ ️ for drinking water.⚡ ️ inform the repair work of the ball.⚡ ️ deduct the Internet. In Deposit.⚡ ️ deposits of picking the key.⚡ ️ notification within Al / room.⚡ ️ follow-up contact contractors outside in corrected anyone?⚡ ️ Booked Housekeeping.⚡ ️ separate postal deposit of the owner, with Deposit⚡ ️ open, press the elevator.⚡ ️ receipt water⚡ ️ get cloth wash / slip.⚡ ️ coordinate with past connect⚡ ️ call a taxi.⚡ ️ Book clean.⚡ ️ CM Shift. Assisting law.
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