(Economics) the likelihood that consumers will buy products based on the levels of income, savings, owned the property. The ability of loans. Credit, and attitudes about paying
.(5) (lifestyle). Lifestyle of people depending on the culture, social hierarchy, and their individual
(Psychology Factors) consists of Motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes
.(Motivation) means the trigger or cause a feeling person, action, or nutritious in the exact form
.(Perception) refers to anything that is brought to the consumer's attention through nervous five. So each individual in conditions that triggered by the same stimuli. May behave differently because. People are perceived differently.Depending on the characteristics of the trigger. The relationship of environmental stimuli, and the status of the individual
.(Learning) means the behavior as a result has performed. Experience or the emergence of instinct, so the use of this concept is ประโยชน์ด้วย advertising it. The motivation in purchasing
.(Believes and Attitude) mean the feeling inside human or opinion as a form of personal behavior
.In order to investigate the relationship SPSS statistical
.In order to investigate the relationship SPSS statistical
.It was found that the age, education, occupation, income, and what the customer consider when will choose to buy a piece of jewelry, such as In terms of price, style, beauty model shop services for employees, after sales care.By study of the searched other past to make products imitation jewelry. Gain much popularity in is to rely on "belief" to contain such as color gemstones color. When worn.There is wealth healthy, etc.!
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