Gel Festival began when about 400 years ago, in the Chinese legend indicates that occur in those days, when the Chinese government is manual and Julia came into force and China people accept their own culture
In those days, that there is a group of people as well as the Chinese, anti-manual and Julia, using the core of the Dhamma to participate with
The Chinese white-clad group this white blanket and not eating meat in accordance with the belief that to behave in accordance with these guidelines will help you create a stronger self-
.These people call themselves "หงี่หั่ว protested "but ultimately, it was lost to her, and to suicide many
Every day, 1 months, 9 Chinese dinner is still under the rule of man and Julia that they gathered themselves together, to control everything vegetarian to mind "หงี่หั่ว protested."
In addition, eating vegetarian is also believed to be a worship Buddha maha phot 7 and thy cattle; and 2. A 9 or 9 Star and the sun
The omission of this ritual kill turned to meditations, vowed to eat vegetarian food omission to Bat, the sacrament is
1. Except from the lives of animals, and for maintenance of life
2. unless the life of the beast, and add some of the blood of his
3.except from the lives of their animals, and add meat, Vegetarian Festival
of his seed in China, according to the Thai belief above is to sacrifice Buddha and Chinese godmother maha phot animals
meaning of the flag gel
Red letters on yellow Background write that "The Heart" or "gel" has a meaning that "there is no bat's "
red as the representative of the prosperity in life is the yellow color of the Buddhist precepts or
the flag is a symbol of Vegetarian Food Vegetarian but also alert and Buddhist religious observance of the populace "control everything - Vegetarian." aware of the animal life is not bad, and is located in the eucharist for the duration 9 days 9 nights
vegetarian practices during the festival.• omission meat or harmful to animals
• substitute milk, butter or oil from animals
• must refrain from eating foods that taste very salty spicy. very very very sweet sour vegetable
• refrain from heavy smell of garlic, 5 types of onion
home• Kyoto Ghuy Chai tobacco and spice, with a heavy smell
• Maintain moral 5 keep your mind pure emotion, it would keep the
• make merit review some of the white-clad pious may be clothed with white
"vegetarian food" is a food cooked from purely natural vegetation there is no meat, and the most important is not to be cooked with vegetables and stirring 5
The Chinese believe the medical of these vegetables are heavy flavor smell violence as a reason to organs within the main 5 does not operate normally
For people who eat strictly in addition to "control everything - Vegetarian," and then to have to choose a home-cooked Vegetarian Food Vegetarian so that "vegetarian food" really is pure
Some of them will be screened separately or cooked food from the container with the food that has meat and absolute in some of it may be found that there is a Candle lights up a nine times throughout the term vegetarian 9 day to relive Khun parents relatives
vegetarian 2
is a 1. To eat routine is ignore the meat and 3 meals every day
2. Eat only during the day to eat vegetarian, vegetarian, 1 to 9 months, 9 dinner in Chinese calendar
the practice will be more or less than the strict basis of mind, such as pass through the fire to hit steel plug in their own or a horse, and he in the Phuket Vegetarian Festival to eat or Trang there isFor Vegetarian Festival this year is between 5 - October 13 , 2556
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