Flexible work time space full of boring. For freelancers is interesting, independent, each had lots of money. I don't think I agree with the above sentence becauseNot liking what love is different. This form of work is different. Some people may work freelance well, prosperity, money, but for others, it may be a full time job better.For example,
.Freelance advantages is that you are free to work, time, place, you can work anywhere, income does not eliminate the ability you is set manually. Can choose a job specialty. We really need. Do.Routine and important stability when come to the point. But at the same time when there are advantages to have disadvantages, disadvantages of freelance is the boss himself, try to control yourself.Unstable income more or less depending on the diligence of yourself. There is no welfare or social insurance as routine, you have to do everything themselves.
.Routine. The advantages are a stable income, called the salary, you will definitely get every month. Has the right to leave La mission, vacation and paid as usual but a limited number of donkeys. Welfare support, such asWith credit in order to borrow money. The downside is limited in terms of income or a ceiling. You cannot set the money yourself. You have to take a 8-10 hours per day. In working with others.You may meet with the social well being exploited by the boss, colleagues and subordinates. Sometimes you may not get justice. Such as hard work than salary should be
.Some people can accept the disadvantages of freelance. It can work in a freelancer as well. At the same time, if someone knew couldn't control myself.The difference of both systems is how to work. But what was the same results is income, so, you know very well that their own answers What works best for you, but you can learn.Then the judge again that you want to be what kind of life!
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