Due to field marshal. Grade also seek cooperation from the house of Representatives. In the second period of rule during the year. 1948-1957 field marshal.Choose to use a coup to diminish the power of the monarchy by abolishing the constitution the king of popular education 1949 then use the democratic process that focuses on the cult leader who of field marshal. GradeSelf centered. And try to balance the power between the group of soldiers led by field marshal Sarit thanarat. With the police ที่นำ by police general Phao sriyanond, but ultimately. The group of soldiers, most authorities took the power of the government field marshal.Himself, with support from the leakage as well. After the coup, the government field marshal. And politics to the military junta fully, which lasted for up to 15 year during the year. In 1957 - 1973.
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