The word 'Tongkonan' from the tongkon Toraja ('sit') and refers to the place, family members meet
.According to legend, Torajan tongkonan house first built in heaven by a bunch Matua creator. It is built on four pillars and roof made of Fabric, India, when Torajan ancestors first down to the earth. He imitated, home, heaven and ceremony, big.[] the 1 alternative explanation Toraja coming from the north, by ship, but is trapped in the storm, violent, their ship was damaged so badly. That they used them as roof for their new home!There are three types of tongkonan is layuk Tongkonan is home of the highest authority and is used as the center of government types. The second is pekamberan tongkonan, which is a member in the family with agencies and some local traditions.ADAT) last is tongkonan Batu which is members.Se common family indigenous practice remains, as well as pets, rituals, funeral and party, boasting a large community, with faith. A native of they only started to change when the Protestant missionaries.In 1909, colonial Dutch today Toraja60 percentage, Protestant Christianity and 10 of Muslims, beliefs of the center. Religion, native Toraja is mainly Christian.
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