Business studies, business studies, organic asparagus production by. The market, as well as the system of certification of organic asparagus where asparagus is a vegetable that has high demands of the market, because it is expensive and it is a vegetable that is long life can be stored all year round, but the output is not very grown men farmers daphan of asparagus with earphone.Ngatong imported from abroad. Make asparagus farmers reduced the development of asparagus to save on the cost of agriculture. Academics have been devised using techniques from plant tissue culture using various parts of the eye above and following, such as California, to have early pen lalat varieties that meet the same underlying genetic mother the best carefully selected varieties produce. By the induction study was born from the side of asparagus and lalat. I found that the tissue culture on solid food, formula, MS, new hormones in Saitama tohkai group combined cycle component with the hormone Auxin groups such as using kinetin combined with NAA, IBA jointly with BA, etc. I found that when using two hormones together is more than popular induction occurs, 60%.
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