Order to be, biologically active additional hydroxylation in the kidneys is needed to form, active 1 25-dihydroxyvitamin. D [1 25 (OH), 2D] (calcitriol) []. The 5 process of vitamin D formation is summarized in Figure 1. Humans obtain vitamin D through. Dietary intake and exposure to sun - light. Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Oily
* Correspondence: D.Naughton@kingston.ac.uk
.2School of Life, University Sciences Kingston, Road Penrhyn, upon, Kingston Thames London, KT1 2EE UK
Full list of author. Information is available at the end of the article
fish such, as salmon mackerel and sardines, are rich in vitamin D3. Egg. Yolks are reported to contain vitamin D though the amounts are highly, Moreover variable.The cholesterol content of egg yolks makes it a poor source of vitamin D. Also a small, number of foods are fortified. With vitamin D such, as milk orange juice and some bread and cereals [,]. A 6 7 list of vitamin D content in dif - ferent food. Sources is shown in Table 1.
Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining an adequate level of serum calcium and, phosphorus. Without, vitaminDOnly10to15%ofdietary calcium and about 60% of phosphorus is absorbed [8-10]. Therefore vitamin D has a great effect in. Forming and maintaining strong bones. It has also recently been found that vitamin D receptors exist in a variety of cells. Thus it has a biological effect on more than mineral metabolism. The aim of this report is to review key aspects relating. To vitamin D, defi - ciencyIts causes and studies, on prevention of and treat - ment of major conditions / diseases. Thus following a, general literature. Review on deficiency and its causes an overview, of major meta-analyses of Vitamin D supplemen - tation is given. This systematic. Approach covers meta - analyses listed in Pubmed during the past 2 decades.
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