mainmenusearchtukdeeLeave a message after the MikeBlog followers: 47 peopleSpicy fish, canned fish, canned by aro worn away from the menu simple.Fish po d dry food or meals considered kueng finished. We can buy easily, regardless of whether it is at the grocery store or in a big Mall, there must be a food.mthai Member selling canned fish, canned fish, and this can lead to a variety of cooking what, whether canned fish salad. Fried rice, canned fish, canned fish, soup, or a mother, but the can opener and eating at all, it is that you want. Today we offer come with a spicy fish canned San SAAP try creating. Try with a simple raw materials.Raw and seasoning of Yam PLA the cans (5)-Canned fish (sardines in tomato sauce) 1 1/4. Cups-5 tbsp Melissa officinalis leaf-Shallot SOI 5 TSP-Lemongrass soy detail 2 1/2 tablespoons-Lettuce, 2 1/2 cups-Paprika 2 g.-5 teaspoons shredded Kaffir lime leaves-2 tbsp lime juice-Light SOI 5 TSP ginger-Good fish sauce 1 1/2 tbspHow to make canned fish salad.1. place lime mixed fish sauce, paprika and lemon juice. People together and then stay.2. sardines in tomato sauce, ginger, shallots and lemon grass green onions mixed into bath container, followed by spicy sauce that made the first step into the mash. Prepare a dish, ready to draw a plate3. and then sprinkle with the Melissa officinalis and Kaffir lime leaves into a dish of canned fish, salad, served with lettuce and rice, hot. Just as the canned fish extremely simple, hearty, spicy fish canned menu.A delicious recipe from: net.Create Date: 2556Last Update: March 17 March 17 23:09:10 pm 2556 Counter: 1990 Pageviews.Comments: 1.twittergoogle Comment
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