A ritual is a way to something that has clearly defined format and created by humans. To use the Exchange acts as worship. Memorial Service for communication or requested things with something that has the highest value of human mental or supernatural things such as merit ceremony for Lord upakut. In Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar and bar the country's northern Thailand where there is a belief that is a Saint in the age of Ashoka or after two centuries. According to a legend, Lord upakut, who has a very magic ever conquer the demons that come to harass the celebration held at Ashoka stupa. After you have driven demons, both went to admire, he is of the people. Currently people with belief and faith in God upakut still believe that people are not dead but still keep a Buddhist at all times. And people have lived at the navel and sea every day, the full moon at the match on Wednesday, Lord upakut will be travelling up from the navel, often people come by sea, a novice Buddhist monk in a little sightseeing at midnight. From the foregoing, therefore, tradition, or religious rituals in Buddhist group in the North of the country, Thailand believed in God upakut. When the full Moon days and meets on Wednesdays called "Peng Pu" all the monks and novices are reached by a Buddhist monk in the midnight and the Buddhist priest, it will wait at midnight. Which is a long proud of David Émile Durkheim sociological actors of modern ritual that is talking about the binding people together. In this activity, which makes the people come together and intended actions and activities the same concept sarao, thus causing the unity and stability of the society. There is also an element that makes the ritual is as follows:1. are there rules in practice, which can be seen from this activity will be done on a specific day and time only is full moon dates that match Wednesday and must start at midnight.2. the preparation of the premises or equipment in a ritual is a priest there must be targets for pharmaceuticals. It prepares the ritual, the participants send a check to give to monks to a ritual. 3. to show respect for the individual, or the individual levels should show respect. Monks are considered a that should be respected in this activity.4. believe local legends symbol is the upakut.This ritual, which I considered to be a ceremony in which monks as a familiar ritual for this ceremony, which nowadays could be both a tribute to the upakut, or, as one of the faith believe that God could be converted to upakut in a ceremony in.Ceremonial merit Phra upakut Buddha are sags with khut invitation. In the evening the villagers to bring together drummers travelling in a procession to the area's major river, the laeokratham ceremony of Phra upakut by prayer, and then let people diving, then remove the stones which would have to assume that God upakut which will look at specific stone who made the ceremony is seen as.Yes, the stones that the sathit upakut when people dive, then Shu Hin up, does not match the style, it will dive down to remove the stone, and when it is summoned back to the ceremony area, which has created a shrine enshrines the Buddha a Joss stick khut temporarily. In which the courts worship contains upakut Buddha statue Buddhist monk's robe, drinking water initiatives.
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