2. just a few years. Our country is Thai, ophicephalus striatus into (Asean Economic Community: AEC) and that various countries began to study the development of preparedness issues, we will be practicing all lesson subject availability. Thoughts and behavior. As follows:1. knowledge of languages.In this era the world over very little pace Whether it is a matter of economy, technology, work or education, it is important. At present, the communication with foreign countries is very necessary. Because of the world we have to contact each other more, we should learn more languages as well.2. open the generousIt should be someone who is generous and open to learn to accept differences between people in various social and cultural understanding from neighboring countries. Exchange of mutual good things like I'm teaching, I give her. She taught me to her language. 3. think of the analysis.In our world today, there are many complex mystery, we have research knowledge and pursuing knowledge. What's new at the time, I come across a problem or they must have an idea to improve or solve simple initiatives around the analysis was wrong.4. adjust.With knowledge. Open the generous. Accept to listen to, but does not perform as well on what effect does not occur, therefore, must recognize and think of ideas, and then apply with the use to adapt to survive in a society where everyone has a difference to exist peacefully together.5. practice habits, properWe usually have a flexible base, but a casual habit when we need to work with the foreigners, we often have a problem like it was on time. Re: no comment I don't like working in a team need to know and practice the behavior training, with good habits.6. use the media to benefitThe Internet and new technologies, we must recognize the use of these technologies would be useful with language training. Daily news reader seeking knowledge news around the world, which in addition to the computer. It is becoming more and more smart phone took the role.7. expert knowledgeIn this era there should be basic to everything but good must be removed on either side. We don't need to do anything because we have modern tools help but really specific knowledge back to use only human we know, specializes in providing. So that other people can come and find some experts;
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